獎學金申請指南Scholarship Application Guidelines
本年度「Step into STEM」獎學金已截止報名。The application deadline for the Step into STEM Scholarship has now closed for this year.


「Step into STEM」獎學金旨在透過為有需要的學生提供經濟援助,以鼓勵女生在大學階段選修 STEM 相關科目及發展相關行業。 本獎學金將頒發予於 2024 年 9 月於香港的大學入讀全日制 STEM 學士學位的合資格入選的女學生。
About this Scholarship

The Morgan Stanley Step into STEM Scholarship Scheme aims to encourage women’s further interest and pursuit of STEM subjects and careers at the post-secondary level by providing students in need with dedicated financial assistance. Scholarships will be awarded to selected eligible students from underserved backgrounds who are admitted to a full-time STEM degree at a university in Hong Kong starting in September 2024.

獎項款額 Value of Awards

2024-2025 學年的得獎者名額為最多 12 位。

每名得獎者將獲得高達港幣 42,100 元的獎學金,以支付第一年的大學學費。獎學金金額將分兩期發放(第一學期和第二學期) , 直接支付到獎學金得獎者的大學。

為免生疑問,得獎者可保留其同時獲得的其他獎學金或助學金 。唯「Step into STEM」獎學金必須用於支付大學學費。

Up to 12 scholarship offers will be made for the 2024-2025 academic year.

All recipients will receive a scholarship amount of up to HK$42,100 to cover the cost of year one University Tuition fees. The scholarship amount will be distributed in two instalments directly to the University (First and Second semesters).

For the avoidance of doubt, recipients can retain other scholarships or bursaries awarded to them, but the Step into STEM Scholarship must be used for University Tuition Fees.

申請資格 Application Eligibility

申請人應為全日制中學女學生,並即將在 2024 年秋季(2024-2025 學年)入讀第一年學士學位。申請將根據以下標準進行評估。


申請香港的大學* 的全日制科學、科技、工程或數學(STEM)專業或相關大學學士學位課程,並在公佈得獎者日期前,獲其中一個合資格課程錄取通知書。



注意: 由於這是一項非學術獎學金,學術表現不會成為決定資格的主要因素

*詳情請參閱合資格的 STEM 學士學位課程部分。

為免生疑問,合資格的 STEM 學士課程不包括醫學相關課程或屬於商學院的課程等 ,不論是否 STEM 主題的科目。


Full-time secondary school female students entering their first year of undergraduate studies in Fall 2024 (2024-2025 school year) are eligible to apply for the scholarship. Applications will be assessed on the following criteria. The candidate must:

Apply to a full-time Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics (STEM) major or related university undergraduate programme in a Hong Kong university* and have received an offer from one of the eligible programmes by the date of announcement of recipients.
Pass the Means Test, which will be conducted for all applicants to determine the need for financial assistance. (See below for more information)
Demonstrate strong interest in STEM subjects and commitment to pursue a STEM-related degree at university.

Other Factors for Consideration:

Interview performance, extra-curricular activities, and other awards/achievements will be considered.

NB – as this is a non-academic scholarship, academic performance will not be the primary factor determining eligibility

*Please refer to the Eligible Undergraduate STEM Programmes section for more details.

For the avoidance of doubt, Eligible Undergraduate STEM Programmes exclude medicine related programmes or programmes which fall under the College of Business etc. regardless of STEM subject matter content.

The Scholarship Review Panel reserves the final right to accept or reject any applications, and there is no mechanism for appeal.

Eligible Undergraduate STEM Programmes


*如果申請人有意修讀的STEM課程未在以上清單所列,請向婦女基金會查詢,電郵 community@twfhk.org


Eligible undergraduate STEM programmes can be found below:

University Grants Committee-funded Institutions
City University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong Baptist University
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
The University of Hong Kong

*Please contact community@twfhk.org if your desired STEM programme is not listed above.

*The Women's Foundation and Morgan Stanley reserve final rights to determine the eligibility of all undergraduate programmes as a qualifying STEM programme for the purposes of this scholarship.

申請時間表 Application Timeline


日期 關鍵項目
2024 年 1 月 2 日 獎學金公開接受申請
2024 年 2 月 2 日 獎學金資訊日
2024 年 3 月 31 日 首階段申請截止日期 (申請者將收到摩根士丹利的禮品一份)
2024 年 5 月 19 日 最後申請截止日期
2024 年 5/6 月 入圍的申請人將被邀請參加面試
2024 年 8 月 12 日 入圍的申請人提交聯招留位費證明
2024 年 8 月(確實日期待定) 公佈獎學金得獎者

Please note these important dates:

Date Key event
January 2, 2024 Application opens
February 2, 2024 Insights Day
March 31, 2024 Early bird application deadline (Applicants will receive a gift from Morgan Stanley)
May 19, 2024 Final application deadline
May / June 2024 Shortlisted applicants will be invited for interview(s)
August 12, 2024 Shortlisted applicants to submit proof of JUPAS deposit for Scholarship consideration
August 2024 (exact date to be confirmed) Announcement of Scholarship Recipients
獎學金申請 Scholarship Application


  • 中五至中六的學校成績表
  • 參與課外活動的資料及證明
  • 獲得獎項或成就的資料及證明 (如有)
  • 入息審查證明(請參閱下方的入息審查部分)
  • 推薦信(非必須)




你可選擇邀請推薦人提交推薦信(非必須)。請提醒推薦人須於截止日期 2024 年 5 月 19 日前電郵推薦信至:stepintostem@twfhk.org



「Step into STEM」獎學金計劃旨在為有需要的學生提供專門的經濟援助,鼓勵女性在高等教育階段對STEM科目和職業的進一步探求和發展興趣。所有申請人需乎合入息審查要求,以確定申請獎學金資格。


  • 申請人或申請人的父母或監護人為任何政府財政援助計劃的受助人,包括但不限於:
    • 綜合社會保障援助計劃
    • 中學生經濟援助計劃,包括:
      1. 學校書簿津貼計劃
      2. 學生車船津貼計劃
      3. 上網費津貼計劃
  • 申請人就讀學校的校長信件說明家庭和財務狀況。
  • 由申請人的其中一位父母或監護人在民政事務總署核下的民政諮詢中心聲明家庭年收入及調整後家庭收入,證明申請人有經濟需要但現時未領取任何津貼。


    本人全年家庭總入息為港幣$ ____。





AFI = 家庭全年總收入 / 家庭成員人數 +1



Applicants must also prepare the following materials / documents for submission in the application form:

  • Copies of School transcripts from Form 5 – Form 6
  • Proof(s) of any extra-curricular activities
  • Proof(s) of any awards or achievements(if any)
  • Proof(s) of financial need (see Financial Assistance section below)
  • Letter of recommendation from your referee (optional)


Referee & Letter of Recommendation

Applicants will be asked to submit the contact information of a selected referee on the application form. The selected referee should be someone the applicant knows from an educational, voluntary, religious, and/or professional capacity. This can be the applicant's schoolteachers or principal, leaders from volunteering experiences, or coaches or teachers from extra-curricular sport or activity groups. We may contact the referee to learn more about the applicant’s personal development.

A letter of recommendation (optional) may also be submitted as part of the application. Please remind your referee to send the recommendation letter to stepintostem@twfhk.org by the deadline of May 19, 2024.


Means Test

The Step into STEM Scholarship Scheme aims to encourage women's further interest and pursuit of STEM subjects and careers at the post-secondary level by providing students in need with dedicated financial assistance. As such, a means test will be conducted for all applicants to determine eligibility for Scholarship.

Applicants will be required to upload relevant supporting documents for applicable proof(s) of any one of the financial assistance tests as listed below in their application form (i.e., application approval notice):

  • Any Government financial assistance scheme(s) received by the applicant or applicant's parents or guardians including but not limited to:
    • Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) Scheme
    • Financial Assistance Schemes for Secondary Students, including:
      1. School Textbook Assistance (TA) Scheme
      2. Student Travel Subsidy (STS) Scheme
      3. Subsidy Scheme for Internet Access Charges (SIA)
  • A letter from the Applicant's school principal indicating family information and financial status.
  • A declaration administered at a Home Affairs Enquiry Centre of the Home Affairs Department by one of the applicant's parent or guardian indicating the family's annual income and Adjusted Family Income, for applicants with financial needs who are not currently in receipt of any subsidies.

    Sample of Declaration:

    I have ____ family members.
    My annual family income is $ ____.
    My Adjusted Family Income is $____.

Applicants who submit a Declaration of their family's financial status will need to upload a copy of the Declaration once it has been recognised by the Home Affairs Department.


Method of Assessment for Adjusted Family Income

Based on the method of assessment of Tertiary Student Finance Scheme provided by the Student Finance Office, the Applicant's Adjusted Family Income (AFI) can be considered for the Scholarship. The AFI can be determined based on the following formula

AFI = Gross annual income of the family / Number of family members +1

*For single-parent families of 2 to 3 members, the 'plus 1 factor' in the divisor of the AFI formula will be increased to 2

*Applicants with an AFI of not more than $62,890 will be considered as students with financial need. The amount is based on the "Ready Reckoner" provided by the Government.

獎學金付款安排及入學要求 Scholarship Payment & Enrolment Criteria






  • 於整個 2024 至 2025 學年在同一所大學維持修讀全日制與STEM相關的大學學士學位課程
  • 在 2024 至 2025 學年結束時獲得入讀大學二年級所需的成績

在 2024 至 2025 學年期間,獎學金得獎者如有以下任何在學狀況的變化,必須立即通知獎學金審查小組:

  • 延期入學(即延遲至下一學年入學)
  • 轉學至另一所大學
  • 退學
  • 請假
  • 海外交流
  • 更改大學學士學位的主修課程

獎學金審查小組保留透過即時書面通知終止部分或全部獎學金的權利,並可要求獎學金得獎者歸還獎學金款項。 獎學金審查小組將根據具體情況作出個別考慮及評估。


Scholarship Payment

Scholarship payment will be made directly to the Scholarship recipient's university to cover first-year Tuition Fees in relevant instalments.


Enrolment Criteria

To remain eligible for the Scholarship, the recipient must satisfy the following enrolment criteria:

  • Maintain full-time enrolment in a STEM majored undergraduate programme for the 2024-2025 academic year at the same university
  • Receive the requisite grades to proceed to the 2nd year

During the 2024-2025 academic year, the recipient must notify the Scholarship Review Panel immediately of any of the following changes to enrolment status:

  • Deferral of commencement (i.e., defer commencement to the following academic year)
  • Transfer to another university
  • Programme withdrawal
  • Leave of absence
  • Overseas exchange
  • Changes to undergraduate programme major

The Scholarship Review Panel reserves the right to terminate the scholarship in part or in full by immediate notice in writing and may request that the recipient repays the Scholarship funds. Individual circumstances will be considered and assessed on a case-by-case basis by the Scholarship Review Panel.

Further details of the Ongoing Eligibility will be outlined in any Terms & Conditions Letter.

聯絡我們 Contact Us

如有任何查詢,請致電 2592 8265 或電郵聯絡婦女基金會社區項目組community@twfhk.org

Should you have any enquiries, please contact The Women's Foundation's Community Programme team by phone at 2592 8265 or by email at community@twfhk.org.