摩根士丹利 X 婦女基金會
「Step into STEM」獎學金
Morgan Stanley X The Women's Foundation
Step into STEM Scholarship
申請表格Application Form
「Step into STEM」獎學金旨在透過為有需要的學生提供經濟援助,以鼓勵女生在大學階段選修STEM 相關科目及發展相關行業。 本獎學金將頒發予由 2025 年 9 月起,於香港的大學入讀全日制STEM學士學位的合資格入選的女學生。The Morgan Stanley Step into STEM Scholarship Scheme aims to encourage women’s further interest and pursuit of STEM subjects and careers at the post-secondary level by providing students with dedicated financial assistance. Scholarships will be awarded to selected eligible students from underserved backgrounds who are admitted to a full-time STEM degree at a university in Hong Kong starting in September 2025.
此申請表必須與相關證明和指引中列出的其他所需資料一起在申請截止日期之前提交, 並確保您所提供的所有資訊準確無誤。如您未能提供相關證明或發現虛假資料,您的申請可能會被拒絕。Please be reminded that this application form must be submitted along with supporting documents and other required materials listed in the guidelines before the application deadline. Please make sure all the information provided is accurate. If supporting documents cannot be provided or false information is found, the application may be rejected.
請以中文或英文填寫。The application form can be filled out in Chinese or English. We look forward to learning more about you!
一、 個人資料 Part 1. Personal Information

二、 大學課程申請意向(請根據你的大學聯招(JUPAS) 排列次序填寫)Part 2. Intended University Programme Application (Please complete based on your JUPAS ranking)
組別 ABand A
選擇 #1Choice #1 *

選擇 #2Choice #2 *

選擇 #3Choice #3 *

組別 BBand B
選擇 #1Choice #1 *

選擇 #2Choice #2 *

選擇 #3Choice #3 *

三、 Girls to Tech (GGT) 計劃的參與(如有)Part 3. Girls Go Tech (GGT) Programme Involvement (If Any)


四、學校成績表Part 4. Upload School Transcripts

五、非學術成就(如有)Part 5. Non-Academic Achievements (If Any)
請列出任何於中三至中六期間,所獲得的有助於獎學金申請考慮的非學術成就或獎項(例如:比賽中取得第一名)。請由最近期的成就或獎項開始列寫。最多填寫十項。List any awards and / or achievements from Form 3 to Form 6 that may be relevant for Scholarship consideration (e.g., winning 1st place in a competition). Please start with your most recent awards and / or achievements (maximum 10).

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請列出任何於中三至中六期間參加而有助於獎學金申請考慮的校內/校外活動(例如:參加領袖計劃、義工服務、教授兒童學習STEM等活動)。請由最近期的活動開始列寫。最多填寫十項。List any activities you have participated in from Form 3 to Form 6 (in-school or extra-curricular) that may be relevant for Scholarship consideration (e.g., participating in a leadership programme, volunteering or teaching STEM to younger students). Please start with your most recent activities (maximum 10).





















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六、個人陳述 Part 6. Personal Statement

七、推薦人資料Part 7. Information for Referee
Please fill in your referee's information below. Your selected referee can be someone you know from an educational, voluntary, religious, and/or professional capacity. This can be your schoolteachers or principal, leaders from your volunteering experiences, or coaches or teachers from your extra-curricular sport or activity groups. We may contact them to learn more about your personal development.

推薦信 (非必須)
你可選擇邀請推薦人提交推薦信。請提醒推薦人於截止日期 2025 年 5 月 18 日前電郵推薦信至:stepintostem@twfhk.org

1. 推薦人與申請者的關係
2. 申請者的整體表現及才能
3. 申請者的性格特質
4. 申請者的學習態度
5. 申請者與STEM相關的經驗及成就(如適用)

Recommendation Letter from Referee (Optional)
A letter of recommendation may be submitted as part of your application. Please remind your referee to send the recommendation letter to stepintostem@twfhk.org by the deadline, May 18, 2025.

Recommendations letters may cover the following:
1. Referee's relationship with the applicant
2. Applicant's overall performance and abilities
3. Applicant's personal qualities
4. Applicant's attitude towards learning
5. Applicant's STEM-related experience and accomplishments (if applicable)
八、入息審查 Part 8. Means Test
此獎學金計劃旨在為有需要的學生提供獎學金資助,鼓勵及培養女性對投身STEM學科及職業的興趣和追求。所有申請人須通過入息審查確認符合資格。The Step into STEM Scholarship Scheme aims to encourage women's further interest and pursuit of STEM subjects and careers at the post-secondary level by providing students in need with financial assistance. As such, a means test will be conducted for all applicants to determine eligibility for the Scholarship.
申請人須上載以下其中一項證明文件以通過入息審查:*Applicants will be required to upload relevant supporting documents for applicable proof(s) of any ONE of the financial assistance tests as listed below. Please select any of the following financial assistance schemes that apply*:
九、得知此獎學金的途徑*Part 9. I learn about this scholarship opportunity through*
條款及細則Terms and Conditions
婦女基金會和摩根士丹利保留隨時修改條款及細則的權利。現時的版本可於這裡瀏覽。TWFHK and Morgan Stanley reserve the right to change these Terms and Conditions at any time and the current version can be found at here.
如本申請表格的中、英文譯文有任何差異,請以英文版本為準。In the event of disparities between the English and Chinese version of this application, the English version shall prevail.
通過填寫此申請並提交所要求的資料,本人確認已閱讀並同意上述所有條款和條件。By completing this application and submitting the information requested, you confirm that you have read and agree to all of the above Terms and Conditions.
私隱聲明Privacy Notice
婦女基金會致力保障你的私隱,並確保向本會提供的所有個人資料均按照《個人資料(私隱)條例》(《私隱條例》)的有關條文處理。 本表格所收集的個人資料將按照婦女基金會的私隱政策使用,並只用作與獎學金的頒授有關之目的,包括以下特定用途:The Women's Foundation (TWFHK) is committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring that all personal data provided to us is handled in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (PDPO). The personal data collected in this form will be used in accordance with the Privacy Policy of TWFHK for purposes relating to the award of the Scholarship only, including for the specific purposes set out below:
  1. 處理你的申請並評估你的獎學金申請資格;Processing your application and assessment of your eligibility for the Scholarship;
  2. 頒發獎學金;及Awarding of the Scholarship; and
  3. 與獎學金有關的行政管理或活動。Administration or activities relating to or in connection with the Scholarship.
你的個人資料將嚴格保密並安全保存。Your personal data will be kept strictly confidential and securely kept.
婦女基金會可能會使用你的個人資料聯絡你,以處理你的申請、評估你的獎學金申請資格及/或頒發獎學金。TWFHK may use your Personal Data to contact you in order to process your application, assess your eligibility for, and/or award the Scholarship.

婦女基金會可分享你的相關個人資料予 a)摩根士丹利亞洲有限公司及/或其任何聯屬公司,以審閱及評估已入圍的獎學金申請以進行最終面試及頒發獎學金;b)第三方服務供應商,例如資訊科技、電腦或其他服務(對婦女基金會負有保密責任),只供與獎學金有關的行政用途;及 c)婦女基金會根據監管或其他當局頒布的法律或指引有義務向其作出披露的任何人士或實體。TWFHK may share your relevant Personal Data with a) Morgan Stanley Asia Limited and/or any of its Affiliates for the purposes of reviewing and assessing shortlisted Scholarship applications for final interviews and awarding of the Scholarship; b) third party service providers such as IT, computer or other services (under a duty of confidentiality to TWFHK) solely for administration purposes relating to or in connection with the Scholarship; and c) any person or entity to whom TWFHK is under an obligation to make disclosure under laws or guidelines issued by regulatory or other authorities.
婦女基金會會將你的個人資料保留合理時間以達致收集資料的目的及遵守《私隱條例》。不再需要的個人資料將被銷毀。TWFHK will keep your Personal Data for a reasonable time to fulfil the purpose for which the data was collected and comply with the PDPO. Personal data which is no longer required will be destroyed.

請點擊這裡,以閱讀完整的隱私政策。(只提供英文版)To read our Privacy Policy in full, please click here.
